Reiki  by East Valley Healing LLC


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese hands-on, or hands over, technique for stress reduction and relaxation that allows healing on all levels. Reiki is an ancient practice rediscovered in the early 1900's by Dr. Mikao Usui. The word "Re" means universal. "Ki" is life energy or vital life force. Therefore, Reiki is universal life force, present everywhere in everything. Reiki balances and works on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Physical: the body and manifested pain. Emotional: what you are feeling. Mental: what you allow yourself to think. Spiritual: your capacity to love yourself and others. Reiki works on the cause rather than the effect of dis-ease by treating the disease instead of the symptoms, accelerating healing, which sometimes causes initial discomfort. Reiki can be done in person or long distance. I also do distance reiki on animals.

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In January 2020 I was blessed to take the trip of a lifetime! I spent nearly a month traveling through India with a group of amazing people and teachers. We spent a week at an ashram, a week travel...(more)