About This Project

Led by Jelle De Wit

In Bali, masks are understood as capable of momentarily collecting a portion of cosmic energy, the vital life of the universe. As such they are understood to help visualize the divine powers, as well as providing them momentary material manifestations.

The play with the mask is, hence, the attempt to illuminate and the dare to connect to bigger themes than the individual. In Bali it is known that through the mask both extremes, the universal and the individual, can be connected. The workshop will offer an exploration of these beautiful, rich masks, of their dynamics and structures, and how they can enrich your deeper playfulness and aliveness and inform your understanding of different levels of play in life and art. For María, mask research is a journey to be pencipta, which is Balinese for a certain “creator“ who wrestles with being an interpreter, investigating into a mask, daring to let the mask live fully, and sharing stories through them.

Times: 10.00-17.00 ( inclusive of a 60-minute break )

Fees: 240€

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Summer 2024