Philodendron Billie, Philodendron Billietiae

Botanical Name: Philodendron billietiae
Common Names: Emerald Vine Philodendron, Green Philodendron
Philodendron Billie, Philodendron Billietiae
Shipped and sold by canopi
Will arrive between May 22 - 25


Philodendron Billietiae is known for its unique leaf shape and vibrant green color. It is a hemi-epiphytic climber and is favored as a green collectors item in many a plant collection. The foliage offers a bold texture and color, adding visual interest to any space.

Care Guide

Light Requirements
Prefers bright indirect light. Tolerates medium light. Growth will slow in medium light conditions. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.
Artificial Light
Direct Sun
Water Needs
Prefers consistent but moderate watering. Tolerates occasional dryness. Will not tolerate excessive watering.
Soil Preference
Prefers chunky soil with plenty of large, organic, particulate matter. The coarseness of the soil allows water to drain freely while the individual components hold moisture effectively.
Moisture Retention
Fast Drying
Drainage Speed
Canopi Plants Aroid Potting Mix for Philodendron, Monstera, and more
Recommended Mix: Monstera & Philodendron Mix

Philodendrons, Monsteras, and all plants in the Araceae family are also known as arums or aroids. Aroids thrive in mildly acidic soil mixes with excellent drainage and good water retention. They want large air pockets in the soil for their roots to grow into and access plenty of oxygen. Coco coir and aged / fine bark provides some water retention while chunky bark and perlite create those large pockets of aeration.


35% Coco Coir
35% Fir Bark
20% Perlite
10% Worm Castings, Mycorrhizae, Activated Horticultural Charcoal
What size pot is your plant moving into?
We recommend sizing up 2 inches, in diameter, from the current pot.