What to Expect


    We sing a mixture of old and new songs. Hymns and worship songs. The constant is we only sing songs that are God-glorifying and Christ-exalting. Songs teach and so we sing those that declare the deep truths of the Christian faith.


    God’s Word is the most powerful thing in Creation. Through it, God speaks to us about himself, us, and the world. His word is perfect, eternal, and transformative. Therefore, CBC preaches from Scripture, verse-by-verse, applying it to our lives and declaring the universal Lordship of Jesus Christ.


    Children are a blessing from God and CBC welcomes them into the service. Nursery is offered for children 0-3 years old. Older children are invited to join us in worship. We believe it is important to train up our children in a mature faith by watching their parents worship and hearing the word of God preached. CBC, during the Sunday School hour, offers age-based classes for everyone.

Join Us For Worship!

Address: 211 N McCarrons Blvd, Roseville, MN 55113

Time: Sundays at 10:30 AM