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  • Company Type For Profit
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  • Phone Number (415) 365-1048

IDenTV enables all constituents of the Media, Retail, Security & Defense ecosystems to leverage advanced Artificial Intelligence Powered multimedia analytics and technologies. IDenTV empowers clients with unparalleled AI engines producing new data-driven workflow optimizations & analytics that had been unattainable in the past. IDenTV’s

suite of over 30+ AI and Machine Learning: Computer Vision, Automated Speech Recognition, Machine Translation and Natural Language processing engines, provide unparalleled automation, optimization and big data analytics for deep understanding and data-driven decision making that had been unattainable in the past. All highly scalable and capable of operating in real-time environments along with our upcoming CUSTOM AI MODEL TRAINING PLATFORM FOR NON-TECHNICAL USERS to augment our existing models via semi-supervised data collection, labeling and model training. Empowering any business user to leverage AI to the fullest extent without writing a line of code. This addition provides a one of a kind capability to continuously improve and create new AI models to meet all your evolving enterprise needs with our unique approach to artificial intelligence powered analytic solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is IDenTV's headquarters? IDenTV is located in San Francisco, California, United States.Who are IDenTV's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to IDenTV may include Predictive EquationsBloom AI, and Recentive.