
Smile Design

Dental Designs Clinic Singapore
22 May, 2023

What is Smile Design?

Smile Design is a branch of aesthetic dentistry that incorporates different dental procedures to create a smile that matches your mouth and the rest of your face. Under Smile Design, no two smiles are the same because of our unique characteristics and facial features. Things like gender, facial composition and even skin colour are taken into consideration. The Smile Design process uses the Golden Proportions concept, which is heavily used in design, architecture and engineering. When translated to aesthetic dentistry, the rule of Golden Proportions ensures the smile integrates harmoniously with the rest of the face (1).

In the past, patients could not have much control over their smile makeover and relied heavily on guesswork for the final result, only to be disappointed with their new smile. But with Smile Design, patients are included in every step of the process and have a say in their ideal smile, right from the shape of the teeth to the length of the gum.

How does Smile Design work?

At Dental Designs, we use a series of state-of-the-art technology to take dental impressions including full-frame digital photographs and 8k video recordings to analyse your facial expressions and dental proportions. This gives us a better understanding and objective guidance in crafting out your smile makeover.

Smile Design uses a combination of aesthetic dental procedures including dental veneers, dental implants, teeth whitening and Invisalign. The chosen treatment(s) will depend on the patient’s condition and desired new smile. For example, dental bonding or veneers are put in place to manage chipped teeth; dental bridges for multiple missing teeth; laser gum contouring for the excessive gum tissue and professional whitening for tooth

Why choose Smile Design?

Smile Design gives you a designer, picture-perfect smile without the usual drawbacks of traditional braces(2).

Advantages of Smile Design


You get a makeover smile in as little as 7 days.

Minimal discomfort

At Dental Designs, we aim to make each dental procedure as comfortable and pain-free as possible.


Unlike braces, you do not need to wear any appliances.


Extractions are seldom required unless necessary.

Easily altered

Anytime you are not happy with anything, it can easily be changed.


With proper dental maintenance, you get to keep your designer smile for a long time without relapse.

Getting a new smile at Dental Designs

Step 1: Consultation

At your first visit, we will discuss with you your expectations and go through the whole process, including a proposed plan and estimated final cost. We will also conduct a thorough examination that consists of digital photos, videos, dental impressions and X-rays to create your digital smile design.

Step 2: Designing the smile

The dental impressions taken are used to create a virtual smile design. This digital smile design is then translated to a 3D virtual model. This will be your smile design prototype.

Step 3: Preview of your smile design and mock ups

The design is presented to you and any adjustments are made on the spot. Once the design is approved, we will transfer the smile prototype into a mockup that can be fitted onto your teeth. This allows you to have a real-life preview of how your final smile would feel and look like. Again, any changes can be made.

Once the final smile design is approved, we will discuss with you the procedures needed to achieve your makeover smile and start work on what’s required.

Step 4: Fitting your new smile

Your smile makeover and final restorations will be put in place by our team of dental surgeons and specialists. There you have it — enjoy your new smile! We do a follow-up review with all patients about two weeks after so any fine-tuning or adjustments can be carried out.

Following this, we recommend that you come back for regular dental visits as basic at-home care might not be sufficient.

For any queries contact Dental Designs and book an appointment!


  1. Jafri, Z., Ahmad, N., Sawai, M., Sultan, N., & Bhardwaj, A. (2020). Digital Smile Design-An innovative tool in aesthetic dentistry. Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research, 10(2), 194–198.
  2. Bhuvaneswaran M. (2010). Principles of smile design. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD, 13(4), 225–232.