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The Essential Wisdom Library

Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

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The precepts of Hermetic philosophy remained shrouded in secrecy for more than 2,000 years, clouded by obscure language and dense allegories. This concise guide offers a modern interpretation of the doctrine, distilling its teachings with seven compelling principles that can be applied to self-development in daily life.

223 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1912

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Three Initiates

197 books102 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 897 reviews
Profile Image for Jann.
49 reviews39 followers
April 28, 2008
This is NOT a book on magic (as in the description from goodreads). It explains the "science" of spirit or "All-That-Is". It resonated with me, and from it my interest in hermetic philosophy was ignited.
Profile Image for Nathan.
117 reviews17 followers
July 2, 2011
This stands as one of the most important books I've read about the nature of reality and the supersensible universe. As with any work intending to teach through words something that is larger and exponentially more complex than language will always require careful study. And though this book is not long by page standards, it requires careful, slow study if one is to get the maximum weight of the material.

If you are unable to let go of the question of whether there is more to the universe than meets the eye, this should be on your reading list. If the idea of supersensible realms of experience do not drive you, or you think the idea of anything that cannot be seen with the objective eye is absurd, save yourself time and don't bother with this.

For me, this may stand as the most important piece of instruction I've received, even though I feel like I understood most of the ideas before. This work neatly organized and illustrated the differences between seemingly similar phenomena like vibration and rhythm, polarity and correspondence, etc. I'd give it 7 stars if I could. ;-)
Profile Image for Greg.
10 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2007
this book explains everything. Why study quantum physics when it is all here in a few basic principles. This is my bible.
Profile Image for Khalid Abdul-Mumin.
256 reviews185 followers
April 18, 2024
"The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals—a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."
—The Kybalion.

2024 Read updates:
As immersive and insightful as the first read.
The Lips of Wisdom are Sealed Except to the Ears of Understanding
It's so slim and packed with insight and wisdom it's simply a crime not to read this...And, in the degree that Man realizes the existence of the Indwelling Spirit immanent within his being, so will he rise in the spiritual scale of life. This is what spiritual development means—the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Spirit within us. Try to remember this last definition—that of spiritual development. It contains the Truth of True Religion.

Profound and thought provoking: This is a piece of the wisdom of the Ancients that transcends Spacetime, the Cosmos and the Infinite Multiverse while also tearing away the veils that lie between the Metaphysical, the Supernatural, the Exoteric, Esoteric and Ephemeral philosophical concepts.

Here are some of the excerpts termed Principles within which Hermes, the Thrice Greatest, the Great Great, endeavored in saving through the ages from the dawn of the human race...
THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental — The Kybalion.

"Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower."

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

"To change your mood or mental state change your vibration. One may change his mental vibrations by an effort of Will, in the direction of deliberately fixing the Attention upon a more desirable state. Will directs the Attention, and Attention changes the Vibration. Cultivate the Art of Attention, by means of the Will, and you have solved the secret of the Mastery of Moods and Mental States."
To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the principle of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity.—The Kybalion.
Reading it is akin to having the readers' nictating membrane sliding off to reveal hidden wonders never before imagined possible to conceive of or even perceive; and then combining these insights into an undeniable whole that seems like the rantings of an insane sage and mystic from times bygone.

The absolute highest of my recommendation for all occult and esoteric readers. This is the hard meat for Mankind while the milk has been given to the Babes amongst us;

Read I: 2021
Read II: 2022
Read III: 2023
3 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2008
What I learned from this book is that people think I am crazy if I try to talk about this stuff with them hahaha.
Profile Image for David Acevedo.
Author 17 books194 followers
August 11, 2012
Kuddos to the people who aim to give away "secrets", hidden from the layman for centuries, without really giving them! This book is a waste of time. It says too much and doesn't really say anything that you cannot find already in pop culture. My guess is that if your approach in reading it is to discover how to develop magical and telekinetic powers, you are only fooling yourself (truth be told, this is one of those books that led me to where i am today: an atheist, though not a bitter one, thank you very much). If your approach is purely scholarly in the occult, then you'll probably end up giving this book two stars instead of one, as I just did. It has nothing of value, and is way too close to the Law of Attraction-The Secret bullshit. In any case, it's all bollocks!

Finally, I'm appalled at how many people gave 5 stars to this piece of codswallop! If this is a micro of a bigger representation of the world, then there are too many people out there who do not really know how to live their lives; and need bogus authors that cannot even dignify to print their real names on a book to teach them how to live them. Ridiculous.

On the other hand, I find it ludicrous that so many people are drawn to this emtpy literature. I mean, Paulo Coehlo is one of the most prolific and best-paids authors! And his books, while crappy, have been read by millions and can be found and the book section of almost any multinational drugstore. One of my professors compared this phenomenon to the advent of light literature, or its American sister, "lite lit". Do the experiment. Ask people if they read. If they say "yes", aske them what they read. If the start with "The Alchemist", "The Secret", "The DaVinci Code", "Kybalion", or for that matter, the Bible, you already know these people are book illiterate sophists that haven't really had a taste or the chance to try true literature.

Serious literature is not meant to give you any answers. It's meant to raise you even more questions. It's meant to make you think. It doesn't offer you solutions. It gives you more problems to solve. It challenges you.
Profile Image for Nguyên Trang.
559 reviews610 followers
April 22, 2020
Thời đọc Tên của đóa hồng, tôi đã thấy rất đồng cảm với huynh hung thủ Jorge rằng chân lý của nhân loại vốn đã được viết ra từ lâu rồi. Nếu được chọn ra sách để gìn giữ muôn đời bởi trong đó bao hàm chân lý vạn vật thì chắc chắn phải có Kỳ thư Kybalion.
Trong 30 năm trải nghiệm và chiêm nghiệm (thông qua cuộc sống, sách vở và thiền định), tôi cũng rút ra được một số điều. Có những điều khi phát hiện ra cảm giác như mình đại ngộ, vô cùng sung sướng. Hôm nay, khi đọc Kỳ thư Kybalion, tôi nhận thấy tất cả những hiểu biết lớn lao nhất bao năm của mình đều đã được đúc kết trong cuốn sách này rồi. Trong sách có một câu mà tôi thấy quá đúng với mình: Môn sinh của triết học Hermetic không nén được mỉm cười khi đọc và nghe về các "lí thuyết mới". Vâng, những điều là đại ngộ, "lí thuyết mới"bừng sáng trong tôi đều đã được viết ra từ lâu rồi.
Ngoài ra, Kỳ thư Kybalion ở một số chỗ còn đưa tôi lên một tầng khác mà bản thân tôi chưa nhận ra. Tuy nhiên, tôi không thấy phí phạm 30 năm tìm kiếm bởi tôi tin nếu mình đọc cuốn sách này năm 6 tuổi thì với tôi, nó cũng chỉ như một cuốn cẩm nang thông thái nhưng dễ quên. Những hành trình trí tuệ này, theo bản thân tôi, tôi phải tự đi, tự khai phá và tới thời điểm này, khi thấy nó được đúc kết từ xa xưa, thì chỉ có thể nói là mình đã đi đúng đường và đang đúng lúc mắc kẹt thì có người chỉ lối.
Đọc Kỳ thư Kybalion, đúng như ba người khai ngộ viết lại, có thể thấy triết học bí truyền Ai Cập này là gốc rễ (hay trùng hợp) cho tất cả những triết lý về sau, dù có biến tướng, như triết học phương tây (với khởi đầu là duy tâm), Phân tâm học (tính đa tầng của tâm trí), Thiên chúa (về thần khí) và đặc biệt là Phật giáo (rất nhiều khái niệm trùng khớp).
Đến phần thực hành (viết rất ít) trong cuốn này thì tôi thấy bản thân đã thực hành trong cuộc sống từ lâu. Và phái thiền của Phật giáo theo tôi là trên một tầng so với thực hành này. Tuy nhiên, không có nghĩa là Phật giáo cao hơn Kybalion. Cuốn sách nhỏ này rõ ràng mới chỉ là một tóm lược. Thật sự rất muốn vừa là Phật tử vừa thành môn đệ Hermetic.
Sau cuốn sách này thì tôi sẽ tiếp tục tìm hiểu thêm về Hermetic và vẫn tiếp tục đọc các sách thông thường vì theo tôi, một nền tảng cơ bản bao giờ cũng là cần thiết.
Profile Image for Brett C.
844 reviews187 followers
April 19, 2022
I thought this book was OK. I would be lying if I said this "changed my life" or "everyone needs to read this". This is by no means the be-all/end-all philosophical approach to alter your life...but results may vary for other users.

The book does a good job at listing and explaining the seven Hermetic principles. The principles of:
1. Mentalism
2. Correspondence
3. Vibration
4. Polarity
5. Rhythm
6. Causation
7. Gender

These principles can be applied to anyone from any faith or spiritual background. The book reads well while giving meaningful example and explanations to each principle. While reading I clearly understood the concepts and could apply them to my own life.

I will most likely read this again and my opinion may or may not change. Until then, thanks for reading my review!
Profile Image for David.
134 reviews21 followers
February 19, 2013
This book was written in the early 20th century and while it argues the validity of its teachings on the basis of a misinterpreted view of the antiquity of Hermes Trismegistus's writings, it is still interesting and applicable philosophically. Hermeticism in general took a hit when it was realized his writings took place a few centuries into the A.D. time period rather than in the early period of the ancient Egyptian kingdom. He was incorrectly viewed as the father of alchemy, mathematics and other disciplines, and so there was a let down when it was proven his writings took place at a much, much later time.

These authors are presenting a concise introduction to the core principles of Hermeticism, and it serves as a nice introduction to Hermetic philosophy. Their writing style can be a bit juevenille at times, with many of broad-sweeping statements on an idea's importance and bursting into emphatic usage of all CAPS and frequently ending sentences with exclamation points! Also, there are a few too many statements made to the tune of "what modern science has failed to understand" or "as modern scientists have come to understand", that are so horribly vague that it makes the book sound a bit unscholarly. In and around such statements they often slip into a tone of arrogance, which seems to be common behavior when a writer/debator needing to prove a point finds their quiver empty of any detailed intellectual examples and have to resort to "it's so obvious" scoffing, intimidating the reader to acquiesce instead of building up their logic respectfully.

I greatly appreciated the concise, accessible manner in which Hermeticism was discussed in this work. I felt I learned a lot that I'll be able to retain for the future and that owes more to their ability to teach than to my interest in the subject. However, they needed to stay off the court where the big boys (ie, scientists) play. They don't belong there, and it makes them sound like charlatans when they try to argue the scientific superiority of Hermeticism with pockets empty of solid examples. Besides, their writing has merit and philosophical value without trying to elevate themselves to a place where they can make broad-sweeping statements that place science in the backseat of a scholar's search for knowledge.
Profile Image for Darius.
15 reviews10 followers
March 30, 2018
I read most of the book and I won't waste another goddamn second on this sorry excuse of wasted ink. If Hermes Trismegistus reincarnates now and reads this "work" he would stab himself to death.

To whoever is reading this, please do yourself a favor and look up a short summary of this book. You'll be saving yourself a lot of precious time and energy. What the writer did here is try to invoke mystery through exaggerations and over-elaborations on points that could be summed up in a pamphlet. This reads like an Alice Bailey wannabe rolled a spliff and read the Wikipedia article on Hermeticism. Don't get me started on how many goddamn times the author just jams THE ALL, THE ALL, THE ALL in your eyes, repeats the same ideas and keeps mentioning a truckload of times what he wrote in the first few sections.

I won't type more than what I have. If you've never read anything in this genre before, this is basically The Secret but on acid. Look up genuine books on Hermeticism and dabble into authors with a proper history on occult and esoteric studies.
Profile Image for Desiree Finkbeiner.
Author 7 books85 followers
August 22, 2013
This book changed my entire spiritual view of the universe and strengthened my faith in God, but in new ways. It also helped me understand with greater efficacy the teachings of Jesus Christ. Though the Christ is not mentioned in this text, is was a useful tool in improving my understanding about how he worked the miracles, and the universal laws that govern even God. The principals here are open-ended enough that they may help those from virtually any faith gain greater understanding for the workings of the universe and how they apply to creation.
Profile Image for Rosi.
5 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2013
I first read "The Kybalion" in 1998. It changed the way I recognized spirituality, the principles and the universe. I am reading it again and it is even more enlightening than the first time. These seven hermetic laws, the Principle of Mentalism (Mind), Correspondence (Analogy), Vibration (Nothing rests - everything moves - everything vibrates), Polarity (Duality), Rhythm(Everything flows, out and in - everything has its tides - all things rise and fall - the pendulum swing manifests in everything - the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left - rhythm compensates), Cause and Effect (Karma), and Gender (Gender is in everything - everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles - Gender manifests on all planes) are meant to be recognized and applied to our lives.

This is was and is one of my favorite books.
Profile Image for Andréa Carvalho .
57 reviews7 followers
February 7, 2023
O livro foi meu primeiro contato com a filosofia hermética. Interessante perceber a influencia que teve em todas as denominações religiosas e/ou espirituais em maior ou menor grau. New age é praticamente uma cópia com variações interpretativas. Algumas coisas do Jung também remetem bastante.
Deu para entender melhor as origens de algumas teorias e doutrinas e acredito que verei com um novo olhar muitas coisas.
Profile Image for Gwyndyllyn.
75 reviews34 followers
August 23, 2007

The Kybalion is known as "the master key" for a reason. These are the aphorisms set forth my Hermes Trismegistus, known also as Thoth. I have studied this book over and over, and each time, I get it at a deeper level. In all seriousness, if you only read and study one occult text in your entire life, this should be the one.
Profile Image for Kelly.
62 reviews
February 13, 2016
I decided to read this book after talking to a fascinating character at a goth club I frequent who reminded me of Gregor Samsa (post transformation) wearing an ascot. I forwardly asked what books he read, as I knew he must be a wizard with a wonderful reading list. He then told me about the Kybalion. After I realized the Kybalion was an in-depth look at the Seven Hermetic Laws that I learned about in Laurie Cabot’s Power of the Witch, I decided to check it out.

I have mixed feelings about this book, although I disliked the pretense that it was written by the mysterious ‘Three Initiates’ instead of the more likely author being William Walker Atkinson, an American New Thought author and attorney. Three Initiates indeed! Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of esoteric teachings passed down in secret mystery cults from the dawn of time as much as the next person, I just also like honesty about what’s in the Kool-Aid I’m about to drink. Check this out: “With the aid of the Kybalion, one may go through any occult library anew, the Old Light from Egypt illuminating many dark pages, and many obscure subjects.” That’s a helluva ballsy claim from a book written by an attorney in the early 20th century. I can just see Brendan Fraser as the lead character in a film adaptation--or maybe Tom Hanks?

The Laws are these:
The Law of Mentalism (The All is Mind, the Universe is Mental)
The Law of Correspondance (As Above, So Below)
The Principle of Vibration (Nothing Rests, Everything is in Motion)
The Principle of Polarity (Everything is Dual)
The Principle of Rhythm (Everything Flows Out and In; Everything has Tides)
The Principle of Cause and Effect –self explanatory, I think
The Principle of Gender- Gender is in everything, everything has Masculine and Feminine Principles

I can see where much of New Age philosophy can be traced to the ideas in these laws, especially around the ‘Law of Vibration’ in terms of people ‘raising their vibration’ as another term for enlightenment. The Law of Mentalism also reminds me of the idea in Hinduism that Brahma dreamed the Universe into existence and that all the cycles of life, death, and rebirth are part of his dream. The fact that the author also espouses reincarnation is another indicator that these ‘Laws’ are a lot of mishmashed ideas from various world religions. This is not to say that I disagree with the Laws, in fact quite the opposite, but more in how the Kybalion presents them in all manner of high-falutin’, overly woo-woo language that makes me roll my eyes.
Profile Image for Juliette.
69 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2023
Apparently, once you’re ready to accept Kybalion’s teachings, the book appears in your life, not through any coincidence, but almost magically, as if by divine intervention.

Well, in my case, the Universe must have dialled the wrong number, but by gol-ly, I still picked up that phone. A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece? Well, certainly. Before we bow down to our Chinese Masters, I’m interested to see what the Egyptian Masters had to say.

First of all, the authors inform us that Ancient Egyptians possessed a contemporary [i. e. early 20th century] level of knowledge in physics, chemistry and psychology, as proven by the writings on the ancient stones of Egypt. Which stones, you might ask – if you suffer from an inquisitive turn of mind – and there will be no answer.

In fact, Hermetists, Egyptian or other, had always possessed the full and complete understanding of the universe, except they generally believed other people too stupid to talk to, so they sat on this knowledge, like resentful little assholes.

Over the next dozen or so chapters, Kybalion attempts to explain relatively simple and straightforward concepts, like polarity or gender, through such circular logic, and in such a patronizing tone, you’ll wade waist-deep in a stream of pompous gibberish, until your brain begs you to -

skip –

The formatting of Kybalion doesn’t help. For members of a secret society who kept silent over millennia, the authors sure like to shout a lot; finishing every third sentence with an exclamation mark. The text is full of random capitalizations, sometimes just of the first Letter, sometimes of ENITRE words, in an attempt to come across as more PROFOUND. Here’s the flipside to elective capitalization – most of the time, it has the opposite effect. Even with proper context, you run the risk of eliciting ridicule from your readers.

I’m afraid, my lack of enthusiasm for Kybalion proves, quite poignantly, that I’m not an “(…) elect who had advanced along The Path”. I may never partake in those favourite Hermetic pastimes of abusing exclamation marks in prose, or smiling pityingly at the lowly, uneducated hordes, who don’t understand the TRUTH.

But that is a loss I’m willing to accept.

Oh, and Herbert Spencer was an incarnation of Heraclitus – just throwing it out there. Now, I’m not claiming that he wasn’t. But how can you tell?
Profile Image for Flybyreader.
691 reviews198 followers
March 19, 2022
This is the closest I came to believing in something more powerful than anything I’ve known. In Hermetic philosophy, I found western scientific proofs and reasoning reflecting beautifully on the mental and spiritual phenomena that we find difficult to explain. I have to sleep on it and read it again and again to make better sense of it but I think I’ve finally found my bible.
Profile Image for Aaron.
544 reviews13 followers
July 11, 2021
Culty schlock written by some Ninteenth Century charlatan. The warning sign is when the book starts off with the admonition that only the enlightened will be able to grasp the secret wisdom contained herein - and those who are skeptical are simply too tainted and asleep to be able to understand ‘the truth’. It’s the false defense of cult members and snake oil salesmen the world over. In fact, this book reeks of the bollocks that would later come to be ‘The Secret’ and all of that ‘law of attraction’ BS. Skip this and read the Corpus Hermeticum if you’re interested in ancient mystical practices and want them simply narrated ‘as they were’.
Profile Image for Markham Anderson.
83 reviews4 followers
March 22, 2009
More laughable than the religions which it scorns but which pretend to less. It has no respect for the intelligent examination or application of its own tenets; and even as a second-grader I could certainly have traced the path through which its arguments lose their own framework every few pages.

Excerpt p.58: "There are certain truths connected with [THE ALL's:] existence which the human mind finds itself compelled to accept." I found the following "truths" not compelling; the book must take as great liberty with the definition of "human mind" as it does with several even more common terms, such as "philosophy", "theology", "metaphysics", and "universe".
Profile Image for Joseph Inzirillo.
336 reviews30 followers
February 8, 2017
Hermetic philosophy has been an interest of mine since I was about 16. I, much like everyone else out there, equated it to the new age definitions of magical thought. Oh was I wrong... This book is so much more. A crash course on how to change your perception without truly giving away any ancient teachings. What really struck me is what you learn from reading this book about yourself. Whether this book is BS or real doesn't matter. What matters is how you look at the world when you finish reading it. It's that simple.
Profile Image for Alex Hernández.
213 reviews2 followers
July 13, 2016
Definitivamente no es un libro que pueda ser comprendido solamente por medio del análisis racional y, por tanto, es conveniente leerlo en más de una ocasión y con ciertas distancias temporales para notar cómo la madurez va cambiando las maneras de ver el mundo e interpretar sus expresiones.
Profile Image for Iván Daniel.
4 reviews
December 31, 2012
Tenemos una visión tan absolutista de nuestro entorno, de nuestra realidad, que nos negamos rotundamente al cambio,"pese a que este cambio es una Ley Universal", y el kybalion es como un mapa mental que condiciona nuestra interpretación de las cosas.
No es una verdad, es una semi verdad que debe ir tomada da la mano de la convicción más profunda de nuestro ser, es cambio continuo, no es un enemigo con el cual luchar, sino más bien es fuerza natural, similar al viento. No se puede cambiar la fuerza y el sentido del viento, pero si se “aborda con confianza y espíritu de aprendizaje” se puede ajustar la dirección de las velas de nuestras naves, para llegar a nuestro destino.
Profile Image for Mike Randall.
13 reviews
September 23, 2013
This book is exactly the way the universe works, and not at all the way it works. To those who have travelled far in their search for the truth, it holds the secrets to everything. To the uninitiated, it is a "tough read." Actually, being written in 1908, it is on the tougher side, but honestly I found the Great Gatsby harder to understand. ALL in all, this book holds the answers few people (and scientists) know to be the truth.
Profile Image for Nathan.
15 reviews18 followers
August 18, 2007
This book details a deep and elegant philosophical system which ostensibly dates back to the early Egyptian dynasties, and was first put forth by the legendary Hermes Trismegastus, also known at Thoth. Colorful origins aside, it is a fascinating and internally consistent system for looking at and understanding the universe, both in its material and more numinous manifestations.
Profile Image for Robert S..
4 reviews5 followers
January 19, 2014
One of the cherished keys to unlocking the door of understanding reality.
1,405 reviews5 followers
May 24, 2018
I remember when I first read the Kybalion, I thought that esoteric wisdom would change my life ...

Today this little book came back into my hands, and in truth, the seven principles of the "Hermetic" philosophy are evident to me, I do not know what you think:

1. The principle of mentalism: everything comes from the mind, the universe that exists and everything that is in it by the mind. Maybe others call it spirit, others the being.
2.- As it is above it is below. It indicates that in many states of nature learning how matter and people behave in a situation, so it can be in other levels.
3.- The principle of vibration. Everything vibrates, nothing is static.
4.- The principle of polarity: and the opposites touch, and change from one opposite to another is easy if you know how.
5.- The principle of rhythm: evident its usefulness in many situations.
6. The principle of cause and effect, known in many places as karma.
7.- The generation principle, the masculine and feminine principles that exist in nature.

Interesting to read the book, although complicated if you have no previous idea of ​​these topics.
1,985 reviews17 followers
June 24, 2014
Given the title, I expected this to be the actual text of the Kybalion, rather than an introduction to hermetic principles with occasional quotes from the Kybalion. Of course, that was based on the assumption that there is such a book. I figured it would be one of those spurious 19th century grimoires that were a condensation of occult thought presented as ancient knowledge, but this is instead a condensation of occult thought presented as coming from a book which does not actually exist. At least it was fairly interesting. I didn't agree with several aspects presented in this book, particularly the courage-fear duality frequently used as an example, and was not terribly impressed by the allusions to Christian thought, since I don't share an appreciation for it. Still, some aspects fit relatively well with my worldview, and at least gave me some ideas upon which to ruminate, even if it didn't quite seem consistently logical throughout.
24 reviews
March 28, 2013
This book clarifies the principles behind all religions and philosophies in a most elegant way.
Without too many attempts to convince readers, the Kybalion lays out seven principles that can be easily applied to any area of life;health wealth relationships, any area of life. If applied to a religion or a science, it will clarify the meaning of a written passage or an experiment.
While the book does offer explanations, it is really meant to be experimented with and applied to life. For example, the Principle of Vibration states "Nothing rests; everything moves" and then the authors explain how things that may not have been considered motion before actually are forms of motion.
Although the Kybalion tends to lean on scientific examples, I found the book to be very spiritual in nature. Without question one of my favorite books.
Profile Image for Mariana Quesada.
348 reviews28 followers
January 6, 2020
Este libro explica los 7 principios del Hermetismo atribuidos a Hermes Trismegisto.

Quiero comenzar especificando que soy agnóstica y pude identificar mis creencias sobre la relación de la mente con el cosmos y todo lo existente en este libro. Aunque es un libro muy corto, siento que fue repetitivo; pues comienza dando un resumen rápido de cada uno de los principios y continúa explicándolos a detalle en los siguientes capítulos. Algunos de estos capítulos repetían exactamente el mismo texto del resumen del primer capítulo.

En mi opinión, el lector se podría salta el capítulo donde son resumidos para ir directamente a la explicación detallada de cada uno de ellos.
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124 reviews54 followers
September 15, 2019
Kadim felsefenin ana konusu olan evrenin yasalarını içeren bir eser. Bu 7 yasayı genel hatlarıyla, okuru yormadan, bir fikir sahibi olmak amacıyla okunabilecek bir kaynak.
Daha önce okuduğum kitaplardan temel bilgim olduğundan beni yeterince doyurmayan bir eser oldu. Örneğin Michael Talbot’un Holografik Evren kitabı daha bilimsel tabanlı, detaylıca anlatılan, benim için daha faydalı bir eser olmuştu. İlgilenenlere önerim olsun.
Kybalion ise beni yormasın ama çok detaya inmeden fikir sahibi olayım derseniz önereceğim bir kitap oldu.
Youtube kanalım: https://www.youtube.com/user/ayseum
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