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What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is an ingenious way of living harmoniously with nature, where we learn from the wisdom of ecosystems to create abundant, resilient, and regenerative systems. 


By blending innovative design principles with ethical practices, permaculture empowers us to create sustainable landscapes, nurture biodiversity, and cultivate a thriving, interconnected community that thrives for future generations.


Permaculture integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies observed in diverse natural systems. 


It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics and community development.

Image by Jacques Dillies
Permaculture is permanent agriculture & permanent culture.

Permaculture is a way of working with nature to create healthy and resilient ecosystems that sustainably provide for our needs.​

Permaculture =

Permanent + Culture/Agruiculture

Image by Olivier Mary
It works by allowing systems to demonstrate their evolutions.

We can add Permaculture Ethics & Principles to anything that has the potential to benefit human endeavours by incorporating principles from a variety of fields, including ecology, agriculture, architecture, & engineering.

Image by Vincent Erhart
The basis of Permaculture is a natural, practical, and efficient design.

Permaculture emphasises the use of local resources & the creation of systems that are self-sustaining & resilient. This means working with, rather than against, nature to create productive & environmentally friendly designs.

At its core, permaculture embraces the wisdom of nature, recognizing that every element in an ecosystem has a vital role.

By observing and understanding these patterns, we can create abundant, resilient landscapes that mimic the efficiency and beauty of natural systems. Through innovative design principles such as stacking functions, maximizing edge effects, and fostering beneficial relationships, permaculture empowers us to transform our homes, gardens, and communities into thriving, self-sufficient havens. the font and make it your own.

Image by Anna Szentgyörgyi

Why Permaculture?

By practising permaculture, we nurture biodiversity, create nutrient-rich soil, conserve water, and cultivate a vast array of edible plants, medicinal herbs, and beneficial flora and fauna.


We build regenerative food forests, vibrant community gardens, and sustainable urban landscapes that not only provide sustenance but also become havens for wildlife and centres of connection and inspiration.


The impact of permaculture reaches far beyond our individual lives. It offers a path towards healing the Earth, addressing the pressing challenges of climate change, soil degradation, and food security.


By embracing permaculture, we become stewards of the land and active participants in the regenerative transformation of our planet. We unlock the potential for a future where humans and nature coexist harmoniously, where abundance is shared, and where the beauty and resilience of the natural world are cherished and protected.

Want to dive deeper into Permaculture?

Join our "Permaculture Apprentice Programme" and become a steward of the land while you build regenerative food forests, vibrant community gardens, & sustainable urban landscapes!


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