Hypnonaute: meet your hypnotherapist.
Hypnonaute: meet your hypnotherapist.

Hello, nice to meet you!

You may wonder what is a hypnonaute?

A sailor navigating the waves of the unconscious, a voyager of an altered state, a seeker of change, an explorer…

So welcome aboard and let me guide you on this journey. I’m here to accompany you in the discovery of your unconscious, where your great possibilities hide behind the shadows. A descent that is not always easy but which leads to full freedom and awareness. Everything you need is already within you, so that you can take charge of your life. My mission is to help you live a happier, more fulfilling life.

You might wonder what is a hypnonaute?

It is a sailor navigating the waves of the unconscious, a voyager of an altered state, a seeker of change, an explorer…

So welcome aboard this voyage and let me guide you on this journey. I’m here to accompany you in the discovery of your unconscious, where your great possibilities hide behind the shadows. A descent that is not always easy but which leads to full freedom and awareness. Everything you need is already within you, so that you can take charge of your life. My mission is to help you live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Hypnotherapy, what is it for?



Chronic pain









Exam preparation

Difficult emotions


Food disorders

Improve relationships

Bed wetting





Stop smoking

Change bad habits


Hypnosis allows us to rewire the brain to let go of bad habits, to process trauma and grief, to build confidence and self-worth, and to shift our perspectives on a host of impending problems and issues.

Ericksonian hypnosis is a brief therapy that does not rely on a standard script or direct commands.

Through the use of indirect suggestions and metaphors, this therapy aims to bypass the conscious mind`s resistance and access the deep-rooted beliefs and emotions that may be causing distress or limiting behaviours.

By reprogramming the inconscious mind, Ericksonian hypnotherapy can help release negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms, allowing you to tap into your inner resources and find lasting solutions.

My approach is tailored to each person`s unique needs and desires, creating a safe space for exploration and healing.

Whether you are seeking to overcome a specific challenge or just to enhance your overall well-being, hypnotherapy has the potential to make you feel seen, valued, and empowered to take control of your life.

Book a session now and embark on a transformative journey towards a better you!

Change your present and create your future!

Happy clients

"During the hypnotherapy session you very skillfully guided me into a state of deep relaxation I would say. And of course I experienced tangible shifts. I felt lighter about my shoulder pain and later I tried the same myself and now it is completely gone without any “medicine” which was there since more than 6 months. Thanks you so much and I am immensely grateful for your support."

“I have been struggling with multiple diagnosed sleep disorders for years due to chronic stress and frequent 20+ hour workdays. This makes it even harder to adjust my circadian clock when I travel across time zones. Having already tried virtually every remedy, I was skeptical that hypnotherapy could help. To my surprise, just one session with Danila helped me completely avoid jet lag (despite a hefty 9-hour time difference) and sleep noticeably better for several months. Danila’s guidance through the session was skillful, soothing, and creative, and made me feel profound calmness that I had not experienced in a long time.”




Do you have any questions?

a blue question mark on a pink background
a blue question mark on a pink background

Or would you like to make an appointment? Take advantage of a complimentary 15 minutes call today!


Logo: Caterina Bruno
Photography: @philip.tk
Image: Pawel Czerwinsky / www.unsplash.com
Image: Towfiqu barbhuiya / www.unsplash.com