The 6 R's at Amperage Technology Industries Ltd.
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The 6 R's at Amperage Technology Industries Ltd.

In our industry, automotive electrical REbuilding, everyday is Earth Day. 

Through 30 years in business, we can't imagine how many units & parts we have REpaired, REstored, REmanufactured, REused and if they have met their fateful end, REcycled, which has REduced the amount of waste ending up in the landfill. 

Just recently we had a customer come in with a starter that we REpaired approximately 15 years ago.  That's impressive!  Imagine how many km's or hours are on that automobile or piece of equipment and that the same component can be REpaired and REused successfully several times.

Each unit we receive from our customers is inspected/tested and REpair is always the first choice and usually the most cost effective solution.   If a unit cannot be REpaired, then a replacement is the next choice.  Depending on the item, a REbuilt/REmanufactured unit can be used and if not, then a new unit will be supplied which becomes part of the cycle all over again. 

And when it comes to vintage auto electrical components, we REstore them to enable those antique pieces to run at their best, keeping history alive for current & future generations to enjoy.

So at Amperage Technology Industries Ltd., we have 6 R's.   We know that we may not be the greenest and will always strive to improve, but we are proud of "R" business and the part it plays within the big scheme of things.  As they say, "Every little bit helps".

Celebrate Earth Day Everyday!

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