Peak Family Dentistry

Comprehensive Dental Services in Hackensack, NJ

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We Love to See You Smile

At Peak Family Dentistry, we believe in honesty, integrity, and patient education. We want our patients to be informed before making decisions about their oral health, and we take our time to build trust and solid relationships with everyone who visits our Hackensack, NJ dental practice.

Our friendly environment coupled with modern dentistry makes Peak Family Dentistry a popular destination dental office for patients in Hackensack and outlying locales.

The Services You Need

Our Hackensack dentists provide everything from preventive dentistry to general dentistry maintenance.

We offer tooth replacement solutions such as dentures, bridges, and dental implants.

Our porcelain crowns and bridges are prepared by expert ceramist with more than fifty years of experience, and we provide several types of tooth crowns in Hackensack, including porcelain, Zirconia, porcelain fused to metal, and all gold.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that means you fail to breathe periodically throughout the night. Left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your chances of a sudden heart attack or stroke. Our dentists work closely with local pulmonologists to help you rest comfortably and safely with the treatments you need.

At Peak Family Dentistry, we also offer comprehensive treatment for periodontal disease (gum disease) with the goal of stopping the progress of the periodontal and ligament infections and saving your oral health.

We also offer nitrous oxide to help those who need a little extra relaxation to feel at ease in our Hackensack dental office.

Special Needs Dentistry from a Caring Team

When appropriate, our dentists utilize Hackensack University Medical Center to provide services to patients who need special care or specific types of sedation. These patients include those with dementia and intellectual disabilities, those in the autistic community, or patients with physical limitations.

Our team understands that everyone is unique, and we will always work hard to accommodate and care for every member of our community!

At Peak Family Dentistry, we take these measures because we believe that everyone deserves dental care in an environment that is appropriate to their needs and comfort.

Technologies Designed for a Better Dental Experience

Our Hackensack dentists, Dr. Lance Vicente and Dr. Kevin M. Heaney, utilize technologies that allow for a more comfortable and educational dental experience.

For example, we use soft-tissue laser dentistry for a more accurate and less invasive dental procedure. We also use intraoral cameras to help patients see up-close images from inside their mouths. This educates patients, helps them make the best decisions for their oral care, and allows for a better understanding of suggested dental procedures and treatments.

We Look Forward to Meeting You

We treat patients of all ages, and our Hackensack dentists look forward to welcoming you into our dental family. If you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to a member of our team today, and contact us if you’re ready to schedule a dental exam in Hackensack!


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We've been voted one of the best dental offices in Bergen County for 2024! CLICK HERE to read our article in Bergen Magazine!