Scale up your people strategy with ScaleUp Coaching & Consulting LLC

We offer expertise in developing and executing people strategies that enable business success

“Christine is a seasoned HR professional and has sat in my seat before. This gives her a very unique perspective when designing solutions. She understands the business pressures that I face every day and provides creative, effective and practical solutions.”

- Becky Ospina, Sr. Vice President, HR

Our services address pain points that prohibit business success

  • People are leaving because leaders lack credibility and trust.

  • Individual performance varies wildly, but you don’t have defined competencies to hold people accountable to.

  • When leaders leave or are promoted, there is a significant gap, which impacts progress.

  • Your team is performing, but you need a high performing team in order to achieve aspirational goals.

  • Your missing the mark because your talent goals aren’t aligned with your business goals.

  • Teams are not executing a unified strategy. Leaders aren’t aligned, so their teams aren’t aligned.

  • Turnover is high and you don’t know how to address it.

  • You only spend time on talent assessment and planning once per year and it shows in your lack of talent growth and mobility.

Our clients alleviate their pain points through our coaching, advisory, and project development & management services.