La Cascada Organic Light Roast Coffee


Alero Coffee Founder, Jackeline Sabillon Pinto, is on a mission to raise Honduran coffee to American consumers. So all of the coffee beans for Alero Coffee are sourced from different Honduran family farms.

An all-time favorite! La Cascada beans come from Liceth Vasques's small farm on the outskirts of Marcala, Honduras. She is part of a cooperative farm made up of a community of 8,000 people of mostly Lenca ethnicity. Floral and slightly fruity, this coffee can fool you into thinking you're drinking an Ethiopian coffee. Well balanced with notes of Lavender, Hibiscus, and Rose and the tiniest hint of Wine acidity. This coffee is the definition of a calm Sunday morning. Certified Organic.

- Size: 12 oz

- Roast: Light-Medium

- Tasting Notes: Lavender, Hibiscus, Rose, and Wine

- Elevation: 1300m

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About Alero Coffee:

Jackeline Sabillon Pinto and her brother are first-generation immigrant siblings from Honduras, now living in New York City. They grew up smelling coffee every morning and listening to their grandfather’s stories about his finca (coffee farm) in the mountains of Honduras. Now they are on a mission to highlight the underrepresented coffee of our home country Honduras and share their rich coffee culture with their American friends!

When they first moved to the US for college, there was a longing for the family, friends, and culture left behind. To help with the homesickness, they would bring bags of coffee, refried beans, and tortillas back into the US every at every opportunity they had! A few years after graduating and moving to NYC, Jackie noticed a boom in country-based restaurants and coffee shops in the LES. At the time, she thought it was the coolest thing to see immigrants and the Latino community showing their culture through food and beverage. Funny enough, it was hard to find Honduran businesses and products in the city, especially Honduran coffee, so she decided to learn how to source and roast coffee and Alero Coffee was born!

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