Affirmative imperativevosotrosconjugation ofallanar.


A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).
transitive verb
1. (to even out)
a. to flatten
El jardinero allanó la tierra con el reverso de la pala.The gardener flattened the soil with the back of his shovel.
b. to level
El operario se subió a la aplanadora y allanó el suelo.The worker jumped on the steamroller and leveled the ground.
c. to level out
Antes de comenzar la edificación, tendremos que allanar el desnivel.We will have to level out the slope before we start the construction.
2. (to make easier)
a. to smooth
La cantante allanó el camino a los artistas provenientes de los barrios bajos.The singer smoothed the path for other artists coming from poor neighborhoods.
3. (to surpass)
a. to overcome
Fabiana allanó todos los problemas y obstáculos, y logró que le otorgaran el préstamo.Fabiana overcame every problem and obstacle, and finally received the bank loan.
4. (to break and enter)
a. to break into
Anoche alguien allanó mi casa y se llevó el televisor de plasma.Last night somebody broke into my house and stole my plasma television.
5. (legal)
Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain.
(Latin America)
a. to raid
La policía allanó la oficina e incautó todas las computadoras.The police raided the office and confiscated all the computers.
A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. (e.g. Te ves cansado.).
pronominal verb
6. (to even out)
a. to level out
El camino se allanaba a medida que nos alejábamos de la montaña y nos acercábamos al valle.The road leveled out as we left the mountain behind and entered the valley.
7. (to crumble)
a. to fall down
Los zapadores socavaron la torre para que se allanara.The sappers undermined the tower to make it fall down.
b. to tumble down
El suelo se sacudió haciendo que la muralla se allanara.The earth shook and the wall tumbled down.
8. (to consent to; used with "a")
a. to agree to
Las partes no se allanaron a las condiciones y el contrato no se celebró.The parties didn't agree to the conditions and the agreement was not entered into.
b. to accept
Los acreedores se allanaron a nuestra propuesta de pago.The creditors accepted our payment proposal.
c. to give way
Luis intentó convencer a su madre, pero ella no se allanó a sus caprichos.Although Luis tried to convince his mother, she didn't gave way to his whims.
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