
Botox® & Dysport®

Botox® and Dysport® both from the family of botulinum toxins have been used since the 1950’s when its medicinal benefits were discovered to be effective in treating certain muscular conditions.  Its uses have evolved dramatically and currently are a staple in the modern era anti-aging armament.  This product is delivered into the tissue throughout a series of injections via small needles that result in the temporary improvement of mild to moderate facial lines and wrinkles by means of muscle relaxation.  This modern alchemic elixir can also be used to relax certain unwanted dynamic expressions, correct subtle asymmetries and even provide a temporary cure to excessive sweating of underarms, hands and feet.

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Dermal Fillers

Firmly securing its strong hold as botulinums complimentary elixir vitae is the exponentially evolving injectable dermal filler known as hyaluronic acid [HA].  The Galderma family of dermal fillers boasts the first FDA approved HA filler Restylane®.  Still on the market today, Restylane® is joined by a versatile product line used for the correction of moderate to severe wrinkles and facial folds as well as the enhancement of certain facial features.  Allergan, not to be outdone, also provides an equally extensive line of HA’s.  Marketed under the collective trade name Juvederm® and is FDA-approved for a variety of aging ailments of the face.  Restylane® and Juvederm®’s respective lines range in their ability to provide volume restoration, flexibility, line smoothing and lifting capabilities, as well as duration of correction/product life.  There is no one size fits all protocol when determining HA product selection and it should be discussed in person during a free consultation to tailor the best product regimen that suits each individuals needs.



FDA approved KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) injection is the first and only of its kind in the United States.  An irreplaceable injectable antidote, this product permanently removes double chin fat through a series of injections (2-3 at minimum) spaced 4-6 weeks apart.  Kybella® is identical to the deoxycholic acid that is produced in the body, which helps the body absorb fats.  Kybella®, when injected properly, destroys the fat cell membrane allowing it to be broken down and absorbed permanently.


Platelet-Rich Fibrin / ezGel Services

PRF Therapy is a modern aesthetic auto-regenerative anti-aging treatment.  The process involves drawing a vial of a patients own blood, spinning it down to separate the bloods components and extracting the platelet-rich fibrin component of the blood and reintroducing it into the patients body.  PRF contains a number of key growth factors that stimulate collagen and rejuvenate a number of our body’s own cells.    

PRF Injections
Used in orthopedics, dentistry and plastics since the early 2000’s for the repair of soft tissue injuries.  PRP and now PRF has gained notoriety in recent years when it is injected into the tissue of the face.  Its collagen stimulating growth factors have been shown to provide improvement of fines line and wrinkles, even skin tone, and subtle volume restoration.  More recently it has gained popularity over HA fillers for its role in rejuvenating crepey dark under eye hollows to a more natural smoother more youthful state.

This synergistic process utilizes the same liquid PRF technology in conjunction with your own heated blood component of albumin to provide a completely natural (100% made by your body with no chemical or artificial additives) bio-stimulating gel .  Results are achieved by layering the PRP on freshly microneedled skin to dramatically reduce the appearance of fine lines, enlarged pores, improve skin tone, tightness, texture, sun damage, acne scarring and stretch marks, while speeding up the recovery time of microneedling alone.  PRP Results from microneedling and injections begin to show gradually over 3-5 weeks.  Generally a minimum of 3 treatments is required at intervals of 1-2 months apart.

PRF Hair Restoration
While PRP’s benefits have been integral in autologous tissue regeneration and recovery in many fields of medicine, recent research suggests its application in hair restoration provides a promising adjunct treatment for hair regrowth.  PRP for hair restoration remains in the early stages of scientific exploration, therefore no steadfast claims can be made to its efficacy.  However, PRP injected into the scalp releases growth factors in the area of thinning hair of men and women, and has been shown to stimulate dormant hair follicle growth.  PRP injection for hair restoration has been documented to provide the best results when administered in an initial series of 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks and then performed every 3 to 4 months for maintenance.  This adjunct therapy should be incorporated into a comprehensive treatment protocol including nutraceutical vitamin therapy and laser light therapy that address internal and external factors that contribute to hair loss.