Massage Therapy for Pain Relief and Relaxation

Massage Therapy is an excellent way to unwind your mind and body. Our massage therapists are highly trained and experienced, and offer many different massage modalities. We take the time to get to know you before your massage begins, so we can discuss your therapy goals and create a treatment plan designed just for you. We have compiled a list of commonly requested massage types, that we always offer. If there is a specific massage style you are looking for that is not listed below, please do not hesitate to email or call us so that we can discuss your needs and accommodate you the best we can.
Please note that some modalities are available with certain massage therapists.
(904) 357 - 0153

Therapeutic Relaxation (Swedish)
Deep Tissue
Trigger Point Release
Sports Massage
Cupping Therapy * Available with certain therapists, call to inquire
TMJ Massage * Available with certain therapists
Prenatal , *Available with certain therapists, call to inquire. We have a comfortable pregnancy wedge
that allows the recipient to lie face down while receiving massage.

Our Massage Prices are as Follows :
1 Hour Massage $100
90 Minute Massage $150
Two Hour Massage $200
1 Hour TMJ Massage $125 - See Information at bottom of page
1 Hour Prenatal Massage $120, 90 Minute Prenatal - $180
Add Herbal Infusion CBD pain relieving salve to any massage for $10

  General Massage Information

Massage therapy is intended to provide relief from stress and pain, and improve circulation of blood flow and energy.
Massage therapy is not a substitute for medical care, and our therapists are not qualified to diagnose illness or disease. Please inform your therapist of any illnesses or injuries. No liability will be held on therapist for failure to disclose any health concerns. Massage therapists are not qualified to perform any spinal or skeletal adjustments. You may experience natural adjustments in the body as muscular tension releases. Massage is entirely therapeutic and non-sexual in nature. Draping is required and strictly enforced. Any sexual misconduct will not be tolerated whatsoever.

In general, massage is given while you are unclothed. However, you may choose to wear undergarments. You will be covered with a sheet throughout your entire session, and only the area being worked on will be exposed. This is your massage and you should be as comfortable as possible. Feel free to ask your therapist any questions before, during, or after the session. Your therapist is a highly trained professional and will be happy to make you feel informed and comfortable. Relax and focus on your breathing, which will also help your muscles relax so you can get the most out of your massage session. We are happy you chose us for assistance in your healing journey and are looking forward to helping you in any way we can!

TMJ Massage Information
- This massage session is targeted to specifically treat TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) dysfunction, or other issues associated with pain and tension in the jaw area. The temporomandibular joint is located at the junction of your jaw and temple and is put under a lot of stress from chewing, talking, teeth grinding and general stress. TMJ dysfunction can cause many uncomfortable issues such as headaches, a tight or painful jaw area or jaw popping. Many of these issues can be relieved by massaging the small muscles directly connected to the jaw joint. In this session we work the upper back, neck and shoulders first. Then we will work with the jaw and related muscles that are around the cheek, neck and temple area.

We use a massage stone to carefully perform sliding strokes along the cheek and jaw line to release tension in the underlying muscles. Small cupping tools are also used in a sliding motion across the jaw area to aid with releasing tension in the cheek and jaw muscles.

We then take a gloved hand and work the deeper muscles of the jaw inside the mouth, that are located behind the top and bottom molars. Stretching techniques of the cheeks or ears may be used.  *Disclaimer: We are not diagnosing TMJ dysfunction, or claiming to resolve it. This massage is intended to alleviate symptoms of this dysfunction.