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Other forms: aftertastes

The taste that lingers in your mouth after you've eaten something is called an aftertaste. You might complain that the strawberry bubble gum you love has a weird, plastic aftertaste.

You might enjoy the first few sips of a new brand of soda, but find yourself disturbed by the flavor that stays behind on your tongue — this is the aftertaste. Some foods and drinks have a bitter or sour aftertaste, which can be enough to ruin the experience of eating or drinking. You can also use aftertaste figuratively, to mean "a general feeling," as in: "That argument with my friend left a bad aftertaste."

Definitions of aftertaste
  1. noun
    an afterimage of a taste
    see moresee less
    type of:
    afterimage, aftersensation
    an image (usually a negative image) that persists after stimulation has ceased
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