objet d'art

/ˌˈɑbˈʒeɪ ˌdɑr/

IPA guide

Other forms: objets d'art

An objet d'art is a piece of art, especially a small work that's three-dimensional, rather than a painting or a large sculpture. Your grandmother's favorite objet d'art might be a small ceramic dish you made in elementary school. Awww.

In French, object d'art simply means "art object", and it really can be used in that literal way to refer to any work of art. It's more common to call small decorative or collectible pieces objets d'art, especially things that truly have some artistic value (rather than your collection of Pez candy dispensers or Star Wars action figures). Often this term is shortened to objet.

Definitions of objet d'art
  1. noun
    a work of art of some artistic value
    “this store sells only objets d'art
    synonyms: art object, piece
    see moresee less
    objet d'art collectively (especially fine antiques)
    type of:
    work of art
    art that is a product of one of the fine arts (especially a painting or sculpture of artistic merit)
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