


IPA guide

Other forms: rekindled; rekindling; rekindles

Use the verb rekindle when you're trying to get something started again, like a fire or a romance.

If your campfire goes out while you're getting the marshmallows out of your tent, you'll want to rekindle it. Likewise, if you've lost touch with a childhood friend, you might try to rekindle your relationship when you meet again as adults. Re means "again," and kindle means "start a fire," probably from the Old Norse kynda, "to light a fire." Rekindle has been used in the figurative sense from around 1300.

Definitions of rekindle
  1. verb
    arouse again
    rekindle hopes”
    rekindle her love”
    see moresee less
    type of:
    arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, kindle, pique, provoke, raise
    call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  2. verb
    kindle anew, as of a fire
    see moresee less
    type of:
    conflagrate, enkindle, inflame, kindle
    cause to start burning
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